The Richland Borough Council Planning Committee will hold a Public Meeting on the proposed New Borough Zoning Ordinance on Wednesday September 20, 2023, beginning at 7 p.m. at the Neptune Fire Company at 20 E. Main St., Richland.
The Proposed Zoning Ordinance includes the following major components: Uses Allowed in Each Zoning District, Dimensional Requirements, Additional Requirements for Specific Uses, Signs, Parking, General Regulations, Environmental Protection, Administrative Provisions and Definitions. The existing Zoning Map is being re-adopted without any changes to the Map or the names of the Zoning Districts.
A copy of the proposed Zoning Ordinance is available for review using the below link or at the Borough Building located at 5 Pine St. during regular business hours. Copies of all or portions of the Ordinance will be made available for purchase at the cost of reproduction. Persons who wish to purchase a paper copy, or who wish to request special accommodations for a disability, are asked to please call the office at least one business day in advance at (717) 866-5601.